The R.E.A.D. program (Reading Encourages Active reaDers) is a reading challenge annually held in the third quarter sponsored by the elementary library. The goal of this program focuses on the development of a culture of reading, supporting reading for learning and personal enjoyment, and provides opportunities for leaners to read for pleasure.
If you have been in the school library, you have seen that it is decorated with a Toy Story theme. All year long it has had the following quote on the wall:
"If you sit on a shelf for the rest of your life, you'll never find out."
Well, we all know Woody was talking about toys but in the library, we are talking about books. The students who met the challenge were rewarded with an Andy's Toybox filled with fun items or a movie in the library with Toy Story's Pizza Planet serving a yummy treat.
Thanks to all of the students who participated in the R.E.A.D. challenge.