say hello to parent teacher chat

Dear Parents and Families,

On Monday afternoon, January 22nd, you will receive an email invitation to a new
feature in our district app, and we wanted to share a few things about that invitation
before you receive it!

We recognize that effective communication is crucial to the success of our school
community. With that in mind, we are excited to launch a new communication
platform called Rooms! This new feature will exist in the same app you’ve already
downloaded for our district, and its purpose will be two-way communication between
staff and families. Our main goal with Rooms is to launch a common communication
platform to be utilized by all teachers and coaches in our district. As a result, we aim
to create a unified, seamless, and easy-to-use hub for classroom communication.

To ensure this new tool is successful, we will be rolling it out in phases. We will have
more information and resources to share as we continue the rollout, as our goal is
for all staff to be using Rooms by the 2024-2025 school year.

As we start our rollout, every student and parent will be enrolled in at least one
virtual/Campus Room based on their grade level. The campus rooms are Thayer
Central Elementary School and Thayer Central High School.

In addition, you may also see virtual Rooms for teachers, coaches, media
specialists, and club leaders. These Rooms will be specific to the students enrolled
in the individual class. This means that if your student's teacher is utilizing Rooms,
you will see your student enrolled in a campus Room, and a teacher-managed

Though not all teachers will be using Rooms as their primary communication tool
immediately, every student will be enrolled in at least one Campus Room depending
on their grade level. Looking ahead, our goal is to fully utilize Rooms with all staff
members for the 2024-2025 school year.

Finally, we can't do this without you! For this reason,  and many others we are
excited to share in the coming weeks, we invite you to join the conversation in

TCCS Admin Team