Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Funds – Public Input 


Over the past year, the federal government passed a number of flexible stimulus aids for school districts to utilize to get students back in the classroom, improve learning environments, and support in-person again.  Since Nebraska was one of the only states that held in-person learning for the entire 2020-2021 school year, students in Nebraska did not experience learning loss to the extent of students in other states where they spent the entire school year learning remotely.  With this premise in mind, the district plans to use the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Funds in the following allowable areas:

  • Address HVAC services with replacement units to provide improved air quality, and cooling in the High School Gym and beyond.. 
  • Purchase high quality instructional materials to address any forms of learning loss or the aftereffects of it across district curriculum.
  • Purchase new technology and improve on site technology backbone to support our one-to-one Chrome/IPad program in grades PK-12.


The district is asking the public for feedback on a draft of the use of the ESSER III funds.  If you have any ideas in accordance with the established parameters to address student learning needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic or to promote the health and safety for everyone that uses our facilities, please feel free to contact your building principal or the superintendent at the email addresses listed below.


Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Randy Page, randy.page@thayercentral.net

Tom Kiburz, tom.kiburz@thayercental.net

Kurk Wiedel, kurk.wiedel@thayercentral.net