October 30 - November 4, 2023 Announcements
about 1 year ago, Staci Hergott
National Honor Society senior members recognized a role model in their lives by inducting them as honorary NHS members at tonight's ceremony.
about 1 year ago, National Honor Society
Thayer Central's newest members of National Honor Society! Congratulations!
about 1 year ago, National Honor Society
We would like to thank the Titan Booster Club for purchasing the Titan t-shirts for the student body. Here is a picture of the 7-12 students in their shirts.
about 1 year ago, Bryan Solomon
The C2-8 District Final Volleyball Match-Up will be Thayer Central vs Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family. The game will be hosted at Thayer Central at 2:00 PM on Saturday. NO PASSES WILL BE ACCEPTED, as this is an NSAA Event. Good luck Titans!
about 1 year ago, Justin Bomar
Congrats to the C2-8 Sub District Volleyball winners Thayer Central Titans! They advance to District Finals Saturday- Time, Location and Opponent TBD
about 1 year ago, Justin Bomar
The Titan Pep Band brought the energy for last night's volleyball victory! These students sound great and will be playing again tonight for the 7:00 game against Tri-County. Go Titans!
about 1 year ago, Stephanie Wright
Titan Pep Band at 10/23 volleyball!
Third grade had a wonderful time this morning with the Thayer Central FFA kids at Farm Safety Day!
about 1 year ago, Keri Heinrichs
First grade has been busy learning about the human body in our CKLA Amplify reading curriculum. We learned that our bodies have 206 bones. The students created their own skeletons to model the skeletal system. We focused on five systems; skeletal, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and nervous. They created a life size representation of each system. We celebrated our learning with “surgery day” by rotating through several stations and solving math problems over the human body. First graders planned a healthy meal based on the my plate model. We discussed the 5 main food groups and healthy choices to make a meal. They enjoyed a healthy snack to end our unit. The students enjoyed playing Operation to pretend to be real surgeons. We had many guest speakers come in throughout the week. Family medicine doctors, Dr. Heinrichs and Dr. Myers and dentist, Dr. Jeppson came to discuss their occupations and ways to keep our bodies healthy. Rachel Adams from the UNL extension program, came and gave a lesson on bacteriology.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Taylor
Sophomores attended the Thayer County Career Day hosted by TCED. Students were able to visit with about 15 businesses in the area and heard some great breakout sessions.
about 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
TC wins one of the prizes.
💙💛FFA rescheduled our Feed the Farmer for Thursday! Even if you are done harvesting come get a hotdog meal!!!! 💛💙
about 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
Come eat from us
REMINDER: Thayer Central will host C2-8 Sub-District Volleyball on Monday (10/23/23) and Tuesday (10/24/23). See the bracket for specific game times. NO PASSES will be accepted, as this is an NSAA Event. Thank you and Go Titans!
about 1 year ago, Justin Bomar
Congratulations to Abby for being selected as the Ol' Red 99.5 Student of the Week! We're proud of the contributions you make in FFA and around the school!
over 1 year ago, Justin Bomar
A beautiful day for the annual Oregon Trail Run! TC junior Adam volunteered his time to help with the Mile 23 aid station.
over 1 year ago, Titan Time
National Honor Society will be hosting several activities for Red Ribbon Week, including dress up days, starting Oct 23rd. Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a drug-free life.
over 1 year ago, National Honor Society
Two Titans compete at State XC. Izzy Escritt came in 78th out of 117. Adam Lukert got 38th out of 131. Way to represent TC Titans!
over 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
Izzy in the final mile.
Pushing to the finish.
Adam is ready to go at State XC! Go Titans!!!
over 1 year ago, Eric Miller
Izzy is off and running at State XC in Kearney!
over 1 year ago, Eric Miller
Izzy and Adam are on the road to State XC! GO TITANS!
over 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
Izzy and Adam are off to compete at State XC!  Good Luck!
College Algebra students collected data with bites of Twizzlers or Laffy Taffy and timing the reading of tongue twisters to practice modeling linear equations and using them to make predictions.
over 1 year ago, Deb Bulin