💙💛The sheep and goat show was a jumping great way to start off the Thayer County Fair! The kids did a great job and took home a bunch of ribbons! 💛💙
over 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
Taivry’s goat was having a great time
Taivry’s goat with the loin check
Overall lineup
Paige showing off her lamb
Taylor and her lamb striking a pose!
Colin with the brace
Sister showdown!!!
Taivry and Cayden on the move
Getting them all setup for the judge
🐔 It was a fowl day at the Thayer County Fair where Riley excelled and our administration were good sports to escape the heat! 💦
over 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
Mrs.Bulin nailed the target for Mr. Miller!
Mr. Hoops was a popular target who spent a lot of time in the water!
Riley won today with her silkie!!!
Not a terrible day for her!
Riley giving her showmanship speech
First up Mr. Solomon!!!
Come out and dunk the administration at the Thayer County Fair!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
Mr.Hoops is sitting until 7
Mr. Solomon was a great participant
Thayer Central Cross Country Apparel http://shop.hebronsportshack.com/2023cc
over 1 year ago, Louie Keim
Thayer Central FFA kicked off the Thayer County Fair by participating in the parade tonight! I think they did a pretty great job! Come out to see all of the members and their exhibits this week! 🐑 🐐 🐮 🐖 🐓 🐰
over 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
Riley even joined us with her horse!
Kids enjoyed throwing candy and some water balloons
Come dunk some kids Friday night!
Thanks kids for helping!
TC Cross-Country team went to Lincoln on Tuesday to team build and find the key to a successful season. 🙂 They ran at Holmes Lake, ate some yummy pizza and escaped from the Escape Room.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
A scenic run on Tuesday morning.
Ready to eat some pizza
We escaped "The Lair"!
Monday XC workout was Watertower to Watertower Relay. Started at Hebron watertower and ended at Deshler.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
Handoff every 2 miles
Taivry and Adam's exchange
Nice run
Ben is off and running
Another 2 miles
Getting closer
The team ran 1 1/2 miles to finish relay!
Please Click On The Links Below To Access The Breakfast And Lunch Menus For The Month Of August: Breakfast: https://5il.co/21f94 Lunch: https://5il.co/21f93
over 1 year ago, Eric Hoops
breakfast and lunch
Announcements for August 8 - August 19, 2023
over 1 year ago, Staci Hergott
Announcements for August 8 - August 19, 2023
Thayer Central Welcomed New Teachers To The District Today! New Teachers Spent The Morning Learning About The District! The Substitute Teachers For The District Then Joined The Group For Lunch! Great Way To Welcome New Teachers And Say Thank You To Our Substitute Teachers!
over 1 year ago, Eric Hoops
new teacher
new teacher
new teacher
Thayer Central Football High School, Junior High and Fan Apparel Team Page Online store closes Friday, 8/18 at 8 AM. Order pick us Friday afternoon, 8/25. A portion of the proceeds will support the football program. http://shop.hebronsportshack.com/titanfootball/shop/home
over 1 year ago, Mitchell Shepherd
JHFB Updated Schedule: August 16th: JH Back to School Pool Party from 4:00-6:00 followed by a BBQ that should be over around 6:30-7:00. August 17th: We will have a meeting after school in the Titan Event Center and will also plan on checking out practice and game equipment. We should be done around 5:30. We will also be handing out all necessary paperwork to each player at this meeting. August 18th: First Practice after school that will be done by 5:30. Our practice will be followed by the Back to School BBQ, Pep Rally, and a Parents Meeting. Please make sure that all of you have turned in all necessary paperwork by Friday, August 18th.
over 1 year ago, Scott Hill
The XC team took a break from running and put in 5 miles on bikes and then enjoy some time at the pool.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Brzon
Getting up some speed
A little run at the pool!
The football team is busy helping out the VB team in the gym after their practice #1school1family
over 1 year ago, Eric Miller
Thayer Central Titan Families! Please Make Plans To Attend Back To School Sneak Peek Night On Monday, August 14th From 5:30 - 7:30! We Look Forward To Seeing You!
over 1 year ago, Eric Hoops
Back to school sneak peek night meet teachers, visit classrooms, drop off supplies, ask questions, get class schedules, complete forms, open lockers, august 14 2023 530-730
The Thayer Central Titan Volleyball Team hosted their annual Little Titans Volleyball Camp this week and had a great turnout! They appreciated the opportunity to pass on their game knowledge, desire to improve and showed them how much fun learning new skills can be!
over 1 year ago, Teagan Moeller
Youth Camp Session 1
Youth Camp Session 2
Lady Titan Volleyball
Lady Titan Volleyball
Lady Titan Volleyball
Lady Titan Volleyball
Lady Titan Volleyball
Lady Titan Volleyball
Thayer Central XC finished another great day of conditioning.
over 1 year ago, Louie Keim
2023 Titan XC
We are pleased to inform you that the new phone system has been installed at Thayer Central Community Schools and the phone lines are now working. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we have made this transition.
over 1 year ago, Eric Hoops
Reminders for Physicals for 2023-24
over 1 year ago, Staci Hergott
Reminders for 2023-24
FFA is going to reschedule our bbq due to lightning! Keep an eye out for a future date!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Eickman
we will keep you posted!